install win7 keyboard mouse not respond

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install win7 keyboard mouse not respond

Postby linhuytung » July 16, 2016

Windows 7installation media does not include native driver support for USB 3.0, so during
installation, when you get to the screen to select your preferred language, a keyboard or mouse
connected to a USB 3.0 port does not respond.
The Windows 7 USB 3.0 Creator Utility helps to update a Windows 7 installation image to include USB 3.0 drivers.

Create a USB flash drive installer
Use your Windows 7 DVD or ISO image to create a bootable USB flash drive.
Instructions on how to do are found on ... nload-tool

Run the Utility
1.Download and unzip the Windows 7 USB 3.0 Creator utility to a temporary folder on the
Admin system.
2.Connect the USB device containing the Windows 7 image to the Admin system.
3.Right click the file Installer_Creator.exe and select Run as administrator
4.Browse to the root of the USB drive.
5.Click Create Imageto begin the creation process.
6.Wait for the process to finish. It can take up to 15 minutes.
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