win8.1 activation finally appeared, non-kms activation, phone activation, pseudo activation,
slmgr-xpr command can be used to view, indeed permanently activated. The activation method is a little like the original "activation information backup and restore law" was in fact using the preview version of the key and replace some files to achieve a permanent activation. Of course, the only drawback of this method is that the lower right corner there is a preview version of the watermark,
How to use
1, disable the network card
2, into the C: \ windows \ system32 \ spp, rename tokens as tokens-bak, and then copy the activation of the tokens file to the directory.
3, into c: \ windows \ syswow64 \ spp, rename tokens as tokens-bak, and then copy the activation of the tokens file to the directory. (Note: This step should be for 64-bit systems, 32 Tarim have this folder.)
4, into c: \ windows \ system32 \ spp \ store \ 2.0 \ cache, delete cache.dat file.
5, into c: \ windows \ system32 \ spp \ store \ 2.0, rename tokens.dat as tokens.datbak, then copy activate tokens.dat file to the directory.
6, enable network
7, with the final preview version key is activated again.
Enterprise Edition Key: YNB3T-VHW8P-72P6K-BQHCB-DM92V
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