Excel Viewer 讀取excel 檔 免裝微軟office

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Excel Viewer 讀取excel 檔 免裝微軟office

Postby Sea Cliff » July 30, 2010

With Excel Viewer, you can open, view, and print Excel workbooks, even if you don't have Excel installed. You can also copy data from Excel Viewer to another program. However, you cannot edit data, save a workbook, or create a new workbook. This download is a replacement for Excel Viewer 97 and all previous Excel Viewer versions.

System Requirements
Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2003; Windows Vista; Windows XP
This download applies to the following Office applications:

Microsoft Office Excel 2007
Microsoft Office Excel 2003
Microsoft Excel 2002
Microsoft Excel 2000
Microsoft Excel 97

To install this download:

Download the file by clicking the Download button (above) and saving the file to your hard disk.
Double-click the ExcelViewer.exe program file on your hard disk to start the Setup program.
Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.
Instructions for use:

After you install this download, open a file in Excel Viewer:
On the File menu, click Open.
In the Look in list, click the drive, folder, or Internet location that contains the file you want to open.
In the folder list, locate the file, or locate and open the folder that contains the file.
Click the file, and then click Open.

To remove this download:

To remove the download file, delete the file ExcelViewer.exe.

On the Start menu, point to Settings and then click Control Panel.
Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
In the list of currently installed programs, select Microsoft Office Excel Viewer and then click Remove or Add/Remove. If a dialog box appears, follow the instructions to remove the program.
Click Yes or OK to confirm that you want to remove the program.

Why she had to go
I don't know she wouldn't say
Sea Cliff
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